Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Pichuiyer's Family reunion - Second day session

Corporate Game & Award winning

Pichuiyer Family Reunion - Part II  - First day first session. We had musicial chairs for Men and Women. In the women's section, Radhakka got the first prize and Dubai Kannan got the first prize for men.  Liquor was flowing one side even though it was costing  Rs.600/- per peg. Luckily none of knew the cost. Hence all of us were on high spirits.

Pichuiyer Family reunion held on 30th November and 1st December at Lagoona Resort, Lonavala. Part I - First days first session. Phot 1 is the Lagoona Resort entrance. Photo 2: Kunjappa inviting the participants. Photo 3 on wards till 30 - every participants were asked to speak about three good qualities of their spouse. It was a Moment of TRUTH. Watch the expression of participants.